Professor Ndioro Ndiaye is the Deputy Director-General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).  Prior to this, she was appointed by the President of the Republic of Senegal to the post of Minister for Social Development. On behalf of the Senegalese Government, she coordinated humanitarian activities during the crisis between Senegal and Mauritania in 1989. As the supervising minister, Professor Ndiaye devised and implemented practical solutions to assist both Senegalese and Mauritanian migrants displaced by the conflict. From 1990 to 1995, Professor Ndiaye was Minister for Women’s, Children’s and Family Affairs. Thereafter, and until her appointment as Deputy Director-General of IOM, she resumed her numerous activities at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, where she was highly instrumental in reforming tertiary education in Senegal. In 1990, UNICEF invited her to take part in preparations for the World Summit for Children. In that context, she proposed that the rich countries should plough back a part of debt service payments by poor countries into programmes to help children. She also made a major contribution to preparations for the World Summit on the Economic Advancement of Rural Women held in Geneva in 1992, which was followed by a meeting on the same topic in Brussels in 1994. She is one of the first African women who received an Aggregation from France. She specializes in odontology and stomatology.